Habe gerade dieses indische Interview mit Björn gefunden, wegen der Southbank Ausstellung u.a.
Da steht, die 4 ABBA Mitglieder hätten sich auch gemeinsam getroffen und gejammt, damit man sie für ABBA digital filmen konnte... WAS??? BILDER!??
Q: We would love to hear the details. There has been a lot of buzz about ABBA coming together for a music tour in 2019?
A: Well yes. We were approached by Simon Fuller who is a global entrepreneur. He wanted to do something with our music. So now we are getting transformed into zeros and ones. We are making ourselves digital. Eventually the idea is to do a live show built on our music and make ourselves live, virtually, using holograms. So that is happening right now. They are actually putting our face muscles into libraries and converting them into zeros and ones. They will make every little muscle do whatever they want.
Q: Including adding grove and dance movements to your performance?
Bjorn: Yeah yeah. So that is going to happen in the spring of 2019. The 'digital' four of us are going to perform together. It involves people from the film industry, people from IT working together somewhere in San Francisco in front of screens right now. They are making sure they have everything, our faces and the movements. We have had helmets and we have been spaced by a thousand cameras capturing every little thing. So all our muscle movements are being stored in digital language.
Q: So have the four of you Agneta, Frida, Benny and you actually come together for the 2019 event?
A: Oh yeah, yeah. When we meet & jam it is just like old times.
Q: So the ABBA group has reunited?
A: (Laughs) We have been working together for this project. You are absolutely right.
Q: That is news! Are you rehearsing together like old times?
A: Yes we have been working together. And I must say here that we are the best of friends. We continue to be really good friends. And it is really strange because when we sit together, the four of us in a room, and it just takes a minute before we are back where we ended as a group. It is quite a feeling.
Q: Do you also jam together?
A: [Laughs]. We did, we did. We did some of that too.
(Der Rest des Interviews ist all over the place und Björn redet wieder mal von der freundschaftlichen Scheidung von Agnetha, bäääääh, aber dieser Teil hat mich gerade aus dem Konzept gebracht...