Beiträge von ines66

    das wurde von mir auch nicht angezweifelt, hier ging es nur um die aussage von scotty.
    natürlich arbeitete sie an allen songs mit,keine frage....nur steht ihr name bei 3 titeln allein.
    mich interessiert es jetzt,nach scottys aussage , warum die anderen namen erwähnt wurden und wieviel anteil die anderen an diesen titeln hatten.
    nicht mehr und nicht weniger, diese frage ist legetim und soll keine unnötige diskussion hervor rufen.


    Es hat soviele wunderschöne Lieder........Und es hat auch etwas, was es irgendwie nahezu einzigartig in der ABBA-Welt macht, .........denn Agnetha hat die Lieder geschrieben, getextet, arrangiert und gesungen............Mehr geht nicht

    mir liegt es fern,agnethas arbeit zu schmälern.
    aber warum wurden dann björn, stig,peter und bosse auf dem cover erwähnt?
    3 von 12 liedern schrieb sie auf dieser lp allein.

    1968 besuchte frida die erste klasse der künstlerschule von graham tainton,der später der tanzlehrer von den abba girls wurde.
    das erste bild -foto wurde am 3.10.1968 von stig-göran nilsson aufgenommen,zeigt frida mit kollegen.
    zusehen sind-laila westersund-bo waldersten-gunnar idering-mikael rickfors-rolf adolfsson-peter frick-jahn bräthe und göran hagvall.

    der tanz war für frida immer ein großer teil im leben und so trainierte sie mehrere stunden ,wenn es die zeit erlaubte,in der woche.
    5x in der woche betrieb sie jazz dance,dann besuchte sie eine ballettakademie und nahm noch weitere stunden bei graham.

    graham sagte"sie ist ein phantastisches naturtalent,sie hätte tanz auch zum beruf machen können".
    wenn sie sich auf partys trafen ,tanzte sie die nacht mit graham durch.
    benny hasste wohl dass tanzen. ;)

    ihre tanzeinlagen bei abba sind einfach legendär und man sieht,mit welcher freude sie es zeigt.

    in der nähe von oslo wurde 1985 mit viel tam tam ein hotel namens "shereton"eröffnet,
    es gab wohl eine große eröffnung und ein aufgebot an künstlern,darunter tummelte sich auch agnetha.
    Sie performte den titel "one way love".

    diese eröffnung wurde auch in die usa übertragen.

    als ich diese info auf der abba seite las,suchte ich weiter im netz......leider vergebens.

    weitere informationen wären super.

    ist er doch der einzige song auf dem album bei dem frida allein die leadvocals übernahm,die aufnahme begann am 21.2.1975,reggae war der arbeitstitel

    ich finde den song ausgesprochen gut,mal abgesehen vom text und frida bringt ihn mit ihrer tollen stimme genial rüber.

    Frida selbst urteilte den song als "ziemlich uninteressant"

    hier weitere tolle auftritte

    ich gestehe,ich besitze sie.
    habe sie vor vielen jahren für sehr wenig gekauft,aber sie mir nie angehört.
    gehört halt für mich in meine benny sammlung.

    die geschichte über diese cd,die auch zum schulunterricht in schweden genutzt wird, finde ich da bei weiten interessanter.

    in den späten achtziger jahren verabschiedete sich lars svensson von der arbeit als verlagsredakteur bei bonniers,um sich voll und ganz der vogelkunde zu widmen.wenn er nicht an seinem handbuch über europas vögel saß,reiste er mit einem alten mikrofon herum und regestrierte den vogelgesang.
    nach einiger zeit hatte er eine beachtliche sammlung von aufnahmen,er hatte in der zwischenzeit auch eine kassette sowjetischer vogelstimmen heraus gebracht.
    benny wurde auf lars aufmerksam und rufte ihn eines abends an,er erzählte ihn das er sich zeit langer zeit schon mit ornithologie befasst.
    er erklärte ihn ,dass er gern vogelstimmen digital aufnehmen würde.
    lars erklärte ihn,dass er keinen digitalen rekorder hätte,eine stunde später klingelte clabbe an seiner tür und übergab ihn einen.
    die nächsten 2 jahre wanderte lars durch buchenwälder und nördlichen mooren mit jenen rekorder.

    1990 kam dann diese cd auf den markt und wurde zu einem unerwarteten verkaufserfolg der plattenindustrie ,es erreichte gold status und wurde bis jetzt mehrmals neu aufgelegt.
    lars erwähnte,dass benny sehr großzügig
    mit ihm und seiner arbeit war und ihn ermutigte seine arbeit fortzuführen.

    bild-lars svensson


    • th.jpg

    es müßte der erste ganz große artikel gewesen sein,interviewt wurde sie in eskilstuna -erschienen 1968

    Anni-Frid Lyngstad
    is a longlegged child, who right now is getting acquainted with the
    Swedish folkpark audiences. She is out there in the same package as Lasse Lönndahl and Bengt Hallberg's Orchestra. Those two don't need an introduction, but Anni-Frid does. Who is this girl?
    She is part of that ongoing Norwegian wave that has brought many performers to Sweden; Per Asplin, Arve Opsahl, Nora Brockstedt, Sölvi Wang, Grynet Molvig, Wenche Mynche and Eva Henning.

    - But I see myself as Swedish, says Anni-Frid. I was only one year
    old when I came to Sweden with my grandmother. My grandmother has always
    been like a mother to me and she lives very close to where I live. She
    is often babysitting when I'm out touring.
    Anni-Frid is a very modest girl. She is the mother of two even though she looks just like a child herself.

    She is one of the "discoveries" from the "Hylands Hörna" TV-show. On
    that show she sang "En Ledig Dag". It became a huge success.
    "Svensktoppen" was just around the corner as were the folkparks.

    - But I wanted to combine my singing with my role as a housewife and
    mother. My home and my children have always come first for me. I married
    young. I was only 17. Not long after the first baby, Hans, was born. I
    loved to sing. I started early, I was only 13 - and that was too young
    if you were to abide by the union's rule. I sang "illegally" to get
    money for my studies.

    I got a job in an Eskilstuna band which was called Ragnar Fredrikssons.
    We toured all over Sörmland and performed in restaurants. Today I know
    that it didn't give me very much - apart from routine and experience.
    Later on there was this national vocalist competition with the finally on Skansen in Stockholm. Lasse Holmqvist was
    the host of the talentshow and he said that down in Skåne [where he
    came from] they didn't have any beautiful longlegged girls like me. I
    won that contest - thanks to the self confidence Lasse gave me.

    After that the offers started coming. But I still wanted to be a mother
    first, then a singer. I turned a lot of offers down. I "Fri entré" last
    fall I enjoyed a huge success. It was then I understood that there might
    be a future for me on the stage.
    My husband says: Now you have
    the chance, Anni-Frid. Of course you must go. You can have a great
    career. You are actually too good to be playing only with us. We have
    nothing more to teach you.
    That was very thoughtfull, warm
    words. But at the same time I wondered: How much do I know? I got the
    chance to tour with Karl-Erik Thörn, the guy who had two songs on
    "Svensktoppen" this March. But his tour would be going the whole summer
    and I didn't want to travel around that long. So it was arranged for me
    to work with some other guys. When I heard who they were I was just in
    shock! Who thought of pairing us up for this? Me - a debutant - touring
    with real professionals like Lasse Lönnsdahl and Bengt Hallberg! But
    they were so nice when I met them, I didn't have anything to worry
    about. I'm sure they will teach me so many usefull things this summer. I
    couldn't have asked for better company or support!

    encourages me and applauds. He definitely has the rhythm and he knows
    what the people wants. I'm so happy working with him.
    The mother
    of two frm Västeråsvägen 13 will definitely be one of this summer's
    hotest chicks. She is beautiful to look at, has a voice that is both
    unusual and very pleasant. She has had some routine and is now on a
    first name basis with the managers of the different folk parks.
    Her correspondence isn't that vast yet, once in a while she will receive a fan letter.
    An admirer wrote: "I
    saw you on Hylands Hörna, and you were the guest who sang best and
    looked most beautiful. I like your eyes and your long redbrown hair. If
    you come to our folkpark this summer I would like to meet you. I'm just
    an ordinary farmer with 22 hectare for growing crops and a few acres
    where I grow christmas trees. After your show in the park we could go to
    Knutte på Gästgivaregården and have cheesecake. It's very tasty. Please
    drop me a line when you can."

    When you get letters like that it means that you are accepted by a lot of different people in this country.
    - You married young?
    - Many people have said that Imarried too
    young. That such a marriage between artists wouldn't last very long.
    But it has been good. My man is a wonderful father and husband - he is
    much better at that than being a professional musician. He only plays
    for fun in his spare time.
    I'm both happy and grateful about
    getting this chance. But you should never be too happy as they say. I'm
    sure I will miss my family terribly while I'm out on the tour.
    She will expand her repertoire, she is going to look
    great during these outdoors summer night concerts. To a lot of people
    this young woman will be a big and pleasant surprise. She has gone the
    long way to success, but that doesn't make the success any smaller.

    Now Eskilstuna have two girls to send out to the folkparks this
    summer. Firstly Towa Carson and secondly Anni-Frid Lyngstad. It's hard
    to speculate which one of them will draw the biggest crowds, but one
    thing is sure, if Anni-Frid comes to her hometown Narvik i Norway - the
    place will be completely packed. Because in Narvik they haven't
    forgotten how beautifully she sang on "Hylands Hörna" on TV.
    - So why do so many Norwegian performers come to Sweden?
    - Because there are more jobs available and the pay is better than in Norway.

    dieser artikel stammt aus dem allers wochenmagazin ,es erschien am 29.4.1973.
    frida und lill lindfors bekamen 300 kronen um kleidung zu kaufen.

    is getting more and more expensive. But you can still find clothes at
    reasonable prices. To prove that we asked to beautiful and popular
    ladies, Lill Lindfors and Anni-Frid Lyngstad, to shop
    clothes for 300 kronor each. Clothes they both wanted to wear. Lill
    bought several items that could be combined and still managed to get
    some money left. Anni-Frid wanted to have a cool party outfit and an
    everyday-dress. Here's the result.

    Lindfors is working harder than ever right now. She kept her show going
    at night at Berns to the end of April. During the days she made
    TV-shows and a German TV-crew has been in Stockholm making a documentary
    about Lill. She is very popular in Germany, and the Germans want to see
    how she lives and works here in Sweden. They even filmed her at Hall [a
    Swedish prison] where Lill goes regularly to entertain the inmates.
    At home in Näsbypark she has her family, the husband, Peter Wester who is a fashion photographer with his own business, her daughter Pernilla who is three years old and the maid who makes it possible for Lill to work as much as she does.
    aren't many musicals playing in Stockholm at the moment. A pity,
    because Lill would be perfect in one with her many talents and her
    looks. She has developed into a woman of great variety. Humour, warmth
    and romance are the things she likes most in life.
    - Isn't it
    great that we are allowed to be romantic again, that we can show people
    that we like each other, she says. What if she wasn't a performer, what
    kind of work would she have chosen?
    - Something with people. Therapist, a nurse or something like that. I have a great need to be in touch with other people.

    Anni-Frid - the name sounds like a caress. She is one of our best singers. For a while she has been singing in a group with Agnetha Fältskog, Björn Ulvaeus and Benny Andersson. The four has had big success abroad. Competing with big stars like Gilbert O'Sullivan and Paul McCartney
    they won "Europatoppen" with their song "He Is Your Brother". Their
    records are released in Holland, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Austria,
    Japan and the USA. They call themselves "Björn, Benny, Frida & Anna.
    Anni-Frid is originally from Norway. Her career started when she worked together with Lasse Lönndahl and Charlie Norman.
    She had this urge to sing and she had to pursue it. Anni-Frid was only
    18 years old when she got married and she has a daughter who is six and a
    son who is ten. She has a very good relationship with her children and
    her ex-husband. But they both realised that they had married too young
    and they divorced as friends. The children got to stay with their father
    because they have access to their grandparents there.
    - I
    wanted to do what was best for the children, says Anni-Frid. But the
    kids often come and visit their mother. Nowadays, she and Benny is a
    couple. They live next to Agnetha and Björn Ulvaeus.

    ein wunderbarer artikel

    very nice article about Frida by Olle Berggren in
    Göteborgstidningen/iDAG from 20 July 1992 when she had just appeared on
    the Artister för Miljö single.

    Frida is
    still the best singer
    In the
    middle of the ABBA-revival Frida pops up again. She does it on a single with
    Artister För Miljö. Here she once again proves her class. “The best Swedish
    singer” according to iDAG’s Olle Berggren

    Come on,
    Frida – you are the best!

    It’s now
    close to ten years since Frida started the recording of her last (?) solo
    album, Shine, with producer Steve Lillywhite in Paris.
    But no singer worthy of taking over the legacy after Frida has
    emerged on the female pop scene.
    brutally reminded of this when a single from Artister För Miljö comes in the
    By pure incident I let the CD continue to
    play so the B-side comes through the speakers.
    Frida does Julian Lennon’s
    “environmental-political” contribution “Saltwater”.
    Oh my God! Where have you been all these
    years, Anni-Frid!?

    SUDDENLY MOST OF the internationally commercial Swedish girl pop pales in comparison. One
    single artist, who is also part of this environmental project, is Marie
    Fredriksson. But only in the context of Roxette.
    If Frida hadn’t been “generous” enough to
    lend her voice to this songs, I would have kept on believing that the most
    interesting voices were the the ones topping the charts now.
    Eva Dahlgren and Lisa Nilsson.
    Great vocalists in Swedish. But in
    English? Dahlgren lost all her character on the English language album she
    recently released. Then there is Louise Hoffsten. But she is
    more of a R&B singer. Not a pop singer ready for an international career. And of course we have Carola. She has the
    voice, but has difficulties finding her musical identity. What about Agnetha Fältskog? Yes, but
    after the international flop with her Peter Cetera-produced album, it now seems
    she, like Frida, has put her pop career on the shelf.

    BUT THEN, THERE she is back again enchanting the listener. Frida, the best voice in
    Swedish pop history. Not that “Saltwater”, in any way, is
    powerfull enough to restart Frida’s career. Neither is it intended to do so.
    But the songs shows what she has to give. On the polarized pop scene with rap and
    and dance on one side, well produced pop music on the other there is room for a
    46 year old vocalist. The timing is also a lot better than it
    was when Frida started her (international) solo career with Phil Collins in the
    producer chair. Back then ABBA was a sort of embarrassing
    reminder of the 70s which wasn’t taken seriously by the more refined pop
    circle. The group’s status has grown enormously during later years to reach its
    peak during the summer of 1992. Right now ABBA are celebrated all over the
    world and has reached the same position in pop history as the Beatles and the
    Beach Boys. Erasure has released an EP with
    ABBA-covers and U2 nowadays has “Dancing Queen” on their songlist when they are
    touring. A collection of songs, maybe a CD-box, is planned for release this
    fall and in August ABBA’s old classic “Dancing Queen” will be re-released as a
    single all over Europe. A tribute album is being recorded right
    now here in Sweden with 12 artists and groups, among them Army Of Lovers with
    their version of “Hasta Mañana”.

    SO, BJÖRN AND BENNY, now that you have finished writing songs for Josefin “Ainbusk”
    solo album, please have a look through your drafts and unreleased
    songs. Maybe there is something that would be suitable for Frida. Yes, and even Per Gessle, who always have
    been “over writing” songs might have some left over in his drawers at Torsgatan
    in Halmstad. Then all you have to do is find the right
    producer and some more song writers. Minor obstacles on the way to a come back. The big problem is of course to convince
    the artist herself. She has said that she might be willing to go back into the
    recording studio, if it would help people to become aware of the environmental
    “Saltwater” is a part of that plan. The next could be a whole album. Why not
    call Richard Dashut, the man behind Fleetwood Mac and Lindsey Buckingham’s solo
    album “Out Of The Cradle”. I asked Buckingham the other night if he is
    available. “Yes, he is , unless he is going to manage the sound during my tour”
    said Buckingham.
    Why wait?

    produktinfo von klassikakzente

    Als Hauptsongwriter für ABBA war er für unzählige Nr.
    1-Hits verantwortlich, durch die das Kultquartett in
    Rekordgeschwindigkeit zu einer der erfolgreichsten Formationen des 20.
    Jahrhunderts avancierte; ein globales Pop-Phänomen, das mit seinen
    Evergreens perfekt den Zeitgeist einer Ära einfing und bis heute ganze
    Hörer-Generationen rund um den Planeten
    begeistert. Nach fast einer halben Milliarde weltweit verkaufter
    Tonträger und unzähligen Gold- und Platin- Awards präsentiert sich der
    schwedische Musiker, Komponist und Produzent nun auf "Piano" erstmalig
    von einer völlig anderen Seite. Neben Solostücken wie "Embassy Lament"
    oder "Midnattsdans" entblättert Benny Andersson auch erstmals ein Song
    aus seinem "Chess"-Musical sowie ausgewählte Hits aus dem
    ABBA-Repertoire bis auf ihre DNA und verleiht Evergreens wie "Thank You
    For The Music" oder "Happy New Year" eine nie gekannte, klassische
    Strahlkraft. Entstanden sind kleine, elegante Piano-Balladen zwischen
    Piano-Bar und Neoklassik, die sowohl die Herzen eingefleischter
    Klavierliebhaber, als auch die leidenschaftlicher Popfans höher schlagen

    hier mal einige andere kritiken zum piano album

    -Sir Lucian Grainge said:
    “This new collection of solo piano recordings will reinforce Benny’s
    legacy as one of the finest contemporary composers of our time."

    -Frank Briegmann said: “Benny‘s songs have revolutionised
    pop music. He is an innovator and one of the greatest and most creative
    minds of his field. With this album, he presents as clear and
    unobstructed a view of his musical universe as never seen before in his
    long career. Apart from that, Benny also reveals himself to be an
    amazing pianist and these new interpretations offer a whole new
    perspective on his work. Benny has wowed and inspired his fans many
    times and in many different ways. And now he is doing it again. Together
    with everyone at Deutsche Grammophon, I am really looking forward to
    this album and I want to congratulate Benny on this wonderful release.”

    -Solostücke und ABBA-Klassiker in reduziertem Gewand.

    Review von kai butterweck

    Anderssons Erfolgsrezept hat nur zwei Zutaten: Erfahrung und Gefühl. Und
    diesem Rezept vertraut der Schwede auch heute noch. Auf seinem neuen
    Soloalbum "Piano" geht es nur um die Essenz dessen, was ihn in den
    Siebzigern zu einem der größten Pop-Songwriter des 20. Jahrhunderts aufsteigen ließ.

    Der Titel ist Programm. Kein Gesang, keine anderen Instrumente: Nur
    Klavier. Insgesamt 21 Mal trippeln Anderssons Finger wahlweise flott
    oder gemächlich über die Tasten eines Fazioli-Pianos. Knapp 80 Minuten
    spielt sich Benny die Finger wund und lässt dabei keine Phase
    seines bisherigen Musikerlebens aus.

    Neben ausgewählten Solostücken und sechs ABBA-Klassikern zieht Benny auch erstmals einem Song aus seinem "Chess"-Musical die Hosen aus. Alles reduziert sich aufs Wesentliche.

    Seine Liebe zu Bach, der Hang zur schwedischen Volksmusik ("Midnattsdans", "Flickornas Rum") und das Gespür für poppige Harmonien ("Thank You For The Music", "Happy New Year") verschmelzen auf "Piano" zu einem großen Ganzen. Egal ob das theatralische "I Let The Music Speak", das sensibel schaukelnde "Chess" oder das Trost spendende Funeral-Drama "Tröstevisa": Benny Andersson stellt jeder Stimmung den passenden Kammer-Soundtrack zur Seite.

    In Zeiten, in denen die Musikwelt von pumpenden Beats und klinischen
    Effekten nur so überschwemmt wird, steht ein schelmisch grinsender
    Sound-Rentner auf der anderen Uferseite und beweist, dass zeitlose
    Pop-Saat auch im stillen Kämmerlein Früchte trägt.

    Jeder Song, egal aus welchem Genre, wachse aus einer Idee heraus, so
    Benny. Die Idee sei die Wurzel. Und genau diese Wurzel steht für
    Andersson im Herbst 2017 mehr denn je im Fokus. Das Bemühen, zum
    innersten Kern der Musik vorzudringen. Die reine, schlichte Melodie
    bildet das Fundament. Der Rest ist Erfahrung: "Wenn man seit sechzig Jahren Klavier spielt, wäre es schon komisch, wenn nichts dabei herauskäme", so Benny. Da ist was dran.