Jon Lord - ein bemerkenswerter vielseitiger Musiker.
Zur Verwirrung in den 70igern war ich nicht nur Abba Fan, nein auch Deep Purple. "Schuld" waren meine älteren Kusinen.
Irgendwann aber hatte Jon Lord und auch Ritchie Blackmore genug von Deep Purple und machten beide was komplett anderes ohne aber ihre Wurzeln zu vergessen.
Im Oktober 2009 war es sogar bei mir Live in der Nähe. So hatte ich immerhin die Gelegenheit ihn live zu erleben.
Wo haben die beiden, Frida und Jon Lord kennen gelernt?
Es wird wohl in Zermatt gewesen sein, wie so viele andere. Es war in der Zeit nach dem Tod von Ruzzo Reuss, Fridas Mann. Frida war - ist mit Jon Lord Frau eng befreundet.
Aber es muß was besonderes gewesen sein, denn Jon Lord schrieb für Frida das wunderbare Lied The Sun will shine again.
Den Text schieb Sam Brown.
Some years ago you went on stage with Frida, the singer of ABBA. How did you come to write your song ‘The Sun Will Shine Again’ interpreted by Frida?
I met her here in Zermatt. We became friends. She had just lost her husband. It was a huge shock and she was very lonely and in pain. That is when we became friends. My wife and Frida became just like sisters. Two or three years later I was going to make a record. “Beyond the Notes” is the title of the album. I had remembered having said something to Frida when she came out of that difficult time. I said something like: “The great thing about life is that eventually after a sad thing the sun will shine again.” I was playing the piano and I suddenly had that tune in my head. Just those words “The Sun Will Shine Again” fitted into that tune. So I wrote on the paper and went to my friend Sam Brown. She did the lyrics. I asked Frida if she would like to sing it for my record. She said she would do it if she would like it. I made a demo, showed it to her and she was very touched and liked it. I like the words very much, very thoughtful, beautiful and emotional words. Sam Brown did a perfect job, and Frida has this wonderful mezzo-soprano voice that goes quite deep. It is a very unusual voice and very attractive.
(aus einem Interview mit Christian Dublin